cbt4_nav cbt4_search Clicking the Search button in the navigation area opens the Search dialog box. Enter a keyword and click OK to displayall the entries that contain this key word in the Topics fieldkey word..ord..... Searching topics for a keyword search Search cbt4_about Vincent Bad guy About this template Reader-level navigation Searching by keyword Adding and modifying categories Adding new topics Associating topics with categories Changing a topic name Deleting a topic ok by category, and the entries can be browsed by a given category. Each entry in this template can be assigned to one or more categories. Reader-mode navigation Searching by key word Adding and modifying categories Adding new topics Changing a topic name Deleting a topic about search categories addTopic topicCategories changeTopic deleteTopic Contents cbt4_categories Click the Category Maintenance button in the navigation area to open the Category Maintenance dialog box. This allows you to change what appears in the Categories combo box. Click this button to add a new category to the list. Click this button to delete the selected category from the list. Click this button to rename the selected category. category. Adding and maintaining categories CategoryMaintenance Category Maintenance cbt4_addTopic To add a new topic, click the New topic button in the navigation area to open the New Topic dialog box. From here you can specify the name of the topic and choose from three different formats in which to place your content.content.; Adding new topics &New Topic cbt4_deleteTopic To delete a topic, select it in the Topics field to it and then click the Delete Topic button in the navigation area. om this you can specify the name of the topic and choose from three different formats in which to place your content... Deleting a topic w, #> .', " Cancel categories Cannot delete the last page of this background. label Delete topic buttonclick buttonclick "Delete M" && & label & "?" f"OK" "Cancel" "Cannot delete the selectchange combobox "categories" &Delete topic cbt4_deleteTopic cbt4_changeTopic Changing a topic name To change the name of a topic, edit the SubTopicName record field in the content area. Once you leave that page, the name change will be recorded..orded. cbt4_changeTopic cbt4_topicCategories To associate a topic with a category, click the Topic Categories button in the navigation area to open the Topic Categories dialog box. For example, if you assign the topic "Pug" to the category "Dogs," then "Pug" will appear in the Topics field whenever you select the category "Dogs." Note: you can select more than one cate- gory for each topic...................h topic. Associating topics with categories9 Topic Categories cbt4_topicCategories *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* Viewer *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve Field RecordField ComboBox Button PaintObject Picture Hotword *RHOTWORD* Group Stage *TbxBase* cbt3_scroll cbt1_menu cbt4_search cbt1_aboutApp chapterCount topicCount This template is designed so that you can easily fill it with your own content. The book is set up in a chapter/topic format. The table of contents lists the chapters in the book. Each chapter has its own introduction page, which contains a list of the topics belonging to the chapter. The Toolbar has buttons for navigating page by page, or jumping to the current chapter heading or table of contents page................................................. About this template cbt1_templateOutline cbt1_templateOutline chapterCount topicCount This palette gives you an overview of your application in outline form. Topics are indented below the chapter they belong to. To open this palette, choose Template Outline from the Contents menu. To change the title of a chapter or topic, select it, then type the new title in the field at the top of the palette To add a new chapter or topic, click the New button. To delete the selected chapter or topic, click the Delete button. press the Delete button. press the Delete button. The template outline palette cbt1_add chapterCount topicCount You can add new chapters and topics by using one of the following methods: Choose New Chapter or New Topic from the Contents menu. You will be prompted for a chapter or topic title. Open the Template Outline palette and click New to display the New dialog box. Choose Chapter then press OK............... templateOutline Adding new chapters and topics help_add toolbar cbt1_rename You can rename a chapter or topic using one of the following methods: Choose Change Chapter Name or Change Topic Name from the Contents menu. You will be prompted for a new chapter or topic name. Open the Template Outline palette and select the chapter or topic from the list. Then type a new title in the field at the top of the palette.u can then edit the title in the field at the top of the outline. templateOutline Renaming chapters and topics cbt1_Delete cbt4_addTopic cbt1_Delete You can delete a chapter or topic using one of the following methods: Open the Template Outline palette, select a chapter or topic, and click the Delete button. If a chapter is selected, all of its pages will be deleted. At author level, delete the page containing the chapter heading or topic as you normally would in ToolBook. Note: Deleting pages cannot be reversed by using Undo.ndo... templateOutline Deleting chapters and topics cbt1_reorder scr_scroll cbt1_reorder To change the order of chapters or topics, open the Template Outline palette and drag the chapter or topic to its new position. In the illustration to the right, the topic "Poodles" is being dragged below the topic "Terriers." templateOutline Reordering chapters and topics cbt1_new cbt1_menu The Contents menu is available at Author level. Use it to open the Template Outline palette, to add a new chapter or topic, or to change the current chapter or topic name........ templateOutline The Contents menu cbt3_about cbt1_new chapterCount topicCount To open this dialog, click the New button on the Template Outline palette. To add a new chapter or page, click the appropriate button and then click OK. templateOutline The New dialog box &Topic &Chapter &File &New Ctrl+N &Open From... &Current Book... cbt1_aboutApp cbt1_add cbt1_rename scr3_people title cbt4_about This template can be used to store reference information. It contains three different backgrounds for displaying different types of information. Furthermore, you can organize the entries in the book by category, and the entries can be browsed by a given category. Each entry in this template can be assigned to one or more categories. Reader-mode navigation Searching by key word Adding and modifying categories Adding new topics Changing a topic name Deleting a topic About this template cbt3_navButtons These buttons control which page is shown in viewer "scroll." Clicking them sends the various navigation messages to the current page in the viewer. The background "timeLine" handles these messages and issues the appropriate transition command. Also, the status of the control is maintained by means of notify handlers. Each button, when notified, checks to see if it needs to be updated (enabled or disabled). Whenever a navigation message is sent to a page of the "timeLine" background, a notify message is also sent.. sent. The navigation controls previous first in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine 1800-1845 cbt3_navButtons cbt4_nav The left side of the screen is the area that controls navigation. You can choose a category of topics that you want to view from the Category combobox. Choosing a category changes the con- tents of the Topics field below it. Clicking on the topic in the Topics field navigates to that topic. Also, clicking the left or right arrow buttons at the bottom of the navigation area moves you to the next or previous topic in the Topics field. Clicking the search button allows you to search topics by keyword. The palette offers more options when you switch to author level.............. search Navigation area out,sculpted ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine out,sculpted ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine reader author buttonclick buttonclick /& "_" & topicCategories Topic Categories categories Category Maintenance addTopic &New topic deleteTopic &Delete topic search Click the buttons below for help on their use..... reader author buttonclick buttonclick author &Author reader &Reader cbt3_people These buttons display their respective popup text by means of a buttonClick handler in the "timeLine" background. That handler checks the name of the clicked button, and then shows a page with the corresponding text in a popup viewer..........ng names in a popup viewer. The people buttons Vincent Claude $ @$@@ BBBD` A`d$``d d$$d$& BFBBF 1 1 0 BBBD` $$`d FB@ 9 w1y9{y{ y{w 7 w{{{{w{{w {ywyw 7x{s{ xwxx8 xs{xxs {wxwsw ssww{ 7sw{x {y{{w{ y{y{y {{y{ y{{yw {{{ yy{ww p{wpp w ysp yy{www {wy{wy y{wy{{wy {wywyw wy{{{{{ww cbt3_people cbt4_categories contents chapterCount topicCount About this template The template outline palette Adding new chapters and topics Deleting chapters and topics Renaming chapters and topics Reordering chapters and topics aboutApp templateOutline Delete rename reorder Contents MS Sans Serif Sans Serif Sans Serif Sans Serif Sans Serif System MS Sans Serif Arial Courier New Arial Arial Arial Page id 24 Page "toolbar" LP.TBK" page "toolbar" toolbar Template Outline page "outlineOrganizer" scriptSample 25,4905 ge "cbt3" ge id 20 page "newChapterOrTopic" Using this Template toolbar openWindow openWindow "toolbar" Page "cbt4" "C:\HOOK\CBT\TMPLHELP.TBK" enterpage leavepage toolbar out,sculpted ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine contents buttonclick buttonclick Contents buttonclick buttonclick buttonclick buttonclick "help" Previous buttonclick buttonclick "help" script CDBSE&File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar @&File &Close Alt+F4 &View Font... FATAL Copyright 1994 Asymetrix Corporation gives you permission e, revise, reuse the individual scripts your own applications. You may J entire substantial part redistribution b product. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice "Portions are contain copied Author: Joseph Brick Last revision: 5/9/94 toolbarPage buttonclick ls = isObject(" /& "_" & /& "_" & /& "_" & "title" e= ls 4s_backMessageSent,s_helpHistory b = enabled -- used custom .handling B"contents" -- only puts navigation x* initiated HBACK b = () = () = behaves like winhelp's ) > 0 b = toolbar toolbarPage Hotword title buttonclick false s_helpHistory toolbarPage s_backMessageSent enterBook s_helpHistory leaveBook false s_helpHistory s_backMessageSent toolbarPage contents leavepage previous toolbarPage contents enterpage .', " s_helpHistory toolbarPage s_backMessageSent You are all the way back. This Help system explains how this template works. About this template The viewer "scroll" The navigation controls The people buttons ttons Scroll" The navigation buttons about scroll navButtons people Contents cbt3_about About this template This template is set up as an "endless page." This is accomplished by displaying pages of a different background in a tiled viewer and flipping the pages using the push transition. d be used for a number of application types cbt3_scroll "Scroll" is a child viewer of the Main window that displays pages from the background "timeLine." This viewer is opened and closed whenever the first page is entered or left. Notify handlers in the rectangle "placeholder" on that page open and close the viewer. Handlers in this rectangle also specify the size and placement of the viewer. ow script The viewer "scroll" ?Z~<& ?z~0& ?9~$& Ht_Htr w.x(w